Saturday, August 9, 2014

Binary logic Becomes a Microsoft Authorized Education Reseller

10 June Binary Logic announced it has become a Microsoft authorized Education Reseller (AER), demonstrating its ability to meet Microsoft academic to customers’ evolving needs in today’s dynamic business environment. To earn a Microsoft AER authorization, partners must complete a test to prove their level of academic licensing and market expertise. The AER program is designed to train participating resellers on Microsoft’s Academic licensing, authorize them to purchase and resell Microsoft Academic licenses, and demonstrates to potential customers that they are approved and knowledgeable academic partners. Binary is the Intel Technology Provider Pluti9num from 2008 also Binary Logic is the Silver Partner of Microsoft and registered partner of Adobe, VM ware in Bangladesh. Beside we have wined FY14Q2H1 Office sell out promotion award & also achieved OEM software Tire-1 reseller FY14H1 first time in Bangladesh. ``This Microsoft AER authorization shows our commitment and specialism in the academic IT marketplace and demonstrate our knowledge of Microsoft and its academic products,’’ said Monsur Ahmed Chowdhury,CEO. ``We hope to accelerate our academic customers’ successes by serving as technology advisors for their IT requirement.’’
``By becoming AERs, partners show themselves to committed and trained in providing discounted Microsoft academic products to the education market,’’ said Anthony Salcito ,vice president Of education for Microsoft Corp.’s Worldwide public sector. `The authorization, along with our other education partner initiatives, and gives our partners recognition of their areas of expertise of our academic customers the confidence that they are buying from academic IT specialists. ’The Microsoft AER program designed to authorize and equip organizations that deliver academic products and services through the Microsoft platform with the training, resources and support they need to provide their customers with superior experiences and outcomes. Binary Logic is an ICT based company established in 2001. Binary Logic deals POS (Point of Sale) business, PC business, License software and server business. In the year 2004 it became the member of prestigious organization Bangladesh computer samity (BCS). Company’s main object is to be a prominent network solution provider in the country. In that respect Binary logic became the dealer of various renowned products like Intel, Microsoft, Adobe, VMware, Dell, Leadtek, Cooler Master, In-Win, Motorola, Posiflex and Honeywell.